Closing its doors with a bang - The ICTY
Last week marked the end of an unprecedented chapter of transitional justice in Europe since the Nuremberg trials: The International...

A Silent Genocide in West Papua
This week, on May 1st, marked the anniversary of the over half a century long occupation of West Papua by Indonesian forces. The...

When presidents threaten MoPs
Thursday, the 2nd of June was a day for the history books in Germany. The German Lower House, the Bundestag, passed a long-planned...

Commemorating Srebrenica
Today the world has come together in Srebrenica to remember. “Srebrenica”, the name of the eastern Bosnian town, stands as equivalent of...

Calling Genocide what it is - The 100th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide
The Armenian Genocide Memorial in Yerevan 2015 is a year of many anniversaries – among the ones to ‘celebrate’ are: 70 years after the...

Bosnia and Herzegovina – the war scars are still visible
The 1990s heralded in one of the darkest chapters of European post WWII history; the emergence of a period of great instability and...

A Safe Haven in the DRC: Getting away with Genocide
The Rwandan genocide in 1994 claimed the lives of an estimated 800,000 Rwandans with the majority of those killed belonging to the ethnic...