A win for diplomacy – the Republic of North Macedonia
Greece’s relations with its north-eastern neighbour have been dominated by dispute. More concretely by a name dispute. Reaching back to...

100 Years - Another call to arms
This week marked 100 years since (most) women took the right to vote in the UK. An important anniversary, undoubtedly, and one which is...

Closing its doors with a bang - The ICTY
Last week marked the end of an unprecedented chapter of transitional justice in Europe since the Nuremberg trials: The International...

Germany: Pointing towards Jamaica
On Sunday, September 24, 61.5 million Germans took to the urns in 299 different electoral districts, making use of their constitutional...

The news on Tuesday that Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman issued a decree to lift the driving ban on women was certainly welcomed from...

Welcome to Australia, where People may vote on Human Rights
Currently 27 countries in the world allow equal marriage (plus some jurisdictions in Mexico), with Germany, Malta and Taiwan having joint...

The Power of the Candles
The Polish people have been taking the streets for almost two weeks now, voicing and demonstrating their disapproval of the government’s...

28 Days Later…DUPed into an uncertain future
Almost a month has now passed since the UK General Election, and the interim weeks have seen confusion, disappointment, anger and chaos. ...

Trump goes Poland
Champagne bottles were popped by the right-wing, national conservative Polish government, when the White House announced three weeks ago...

Making Women in Business Strong (Again)
Recently, the German Minister for Economic Affairs, Brigitte Zypries, held a summer event for women only. Entrepreneurs, investors, women...