Why Multi-Culturalism is good - An Open Letter to Poland
(Francesco Perilli's Monument to Multiculturalism) After the appalling terror attacks in Nice, it was not long before the...

Brexit and the 5 Stages of Grief - An Opinion Piece
The United Kingdom decided to leave the European Union (EU). Despite all the reassurances from my British friends that it would never...

When presidents threaten MoPs
Thursday, the 2nd of June was a day for the history books in Germany. The German Lower House, the Bundestag, passed a long-planned...

“I had the naive thought that humanity can win” – An interview with Ashis Brahma
The PACT had the opportunity to talk to renowned and respected Dr. Ashis Brahma. He has worked in numerous countries for Doctors without...

A Stepping Stone for Burma
“The fall of one regime does not bring in a utopia. Rather, it opens the way for hard work and long efforts to build more just social,...

#MakeAmericaGreatAgain -By not Voting for Trump
At the age of 18, I carried out my duties as a responsible citizen and proudly cast my first vote in the 2008 presidential elections for...

The Aftermath – One day after Germany’s "Landtagswahlen"
Until yesterday 5:59 pm I was mainly shocked by how many US-Americans seem to envisage Donald Trump as the only possible option for...

Foreign Policy Takes a Back Seat, as New Voters Focus on Change at Home
This year’s US Presidential election is an important one. Both sides believe that a lot is at stake, and both sides are being confronted...

Super Tuesday: The Millennials’ Playground
Our modern day “Super Tuesday” first emerged in 1988 and through several generations of tradition and candidates has taken on its own...

A Game of Trumps
The presidential race is coming…. So what does Donald Trump have in common with Game of Thrones characters? Following the death of...