Closing its doors with a bang - The ICTY
Last week marked the end of an unprecedented chapter of transitional justice in Europe since the Nuremberg trials: The International...
20 Years after Dayton – How the Peace Accords thwarted the Genesis of a Common Bosnian Identity
December 14, 2015 symbolises a remarkable anniversary: Twenty years ago, the signatures of Slobodan Milošević, Franjo Tuđjman and Alija...
Commemorating Srebrenica
Today the world has come together in Srebrenica to remember. “Srebrenica”, the name of the eastern Bosnian town, stands as equivalent of...
Bosnia and Herzegovina – the war scars are still visible
The 1990s heralded in one of the darkest chapters of European post WWII history; the emergence of a period of great instability and...