Status: Human, Value: $200-500 - How a Forgotten Phenomenon Flourishes in Libya
While the world witnesses recent developments (and escapades) of the Trump administration, worryingly follows the threatening gestures...

Countering the Counterproductive in a Post-Brexit Britain
In times of insecurity and uncertainty, governments and their leaders are able to justify implementing more extreme policies than might...

Quo vadis, EU? - Post-Merkel's Week of Diplomacy
German Chancellor Merkel had a busy week last week – in a unique attempt, she travelled across Europe to discuss different pressing...

Why Multi-Culturalism is good - An Open Letter to Poland
(Francesco Perilli's Monument to Multiculturalism) After the appalling terror attacks in Nice, it was not long before the...

The Aftermath – One day after Germany’s "Landtagswahlen"
Until yesterday 5:59 pm I was mainly shocked by how many US-Americans seem to envisage Donald Trump as the only possible option for...

The Many Faces of “We can do it!“ - Taking a look at the dark version in Poland
Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel is currently risking her popularity among members of her own party (and potential voters) by assuring...

Connecting Two Worlds - Refugees and Volunteers
During silly season, newspapers are usually filled with gossip, the latest break-ups and newly discovered scandals. However, this is not...

On the Occasion of World Refugee Day - An Opinion Piece
​Over the last decades, Europeans have been confronted more and more with the issue of asylum seekers coming to Europe. Even in Austria,...

Outsourcing of State Matters at the Cost of the Most Vulnerable
A couple of weeks ago, the German public was in shock after pictures and videos were released showing security personnel harassing and...