A win for diplomacy – the Republic of North Macedonia
Greece’s relations with its north-eastern neighbour have been dominated by dispute. More concretely by a name dispute. Reaching back to...

Another Wind of Change? Poland’s Governing Party Seems to Be Struggling
Polish people are known to be resilient, passionate about their nation’s achievements, and proud of their will to persevere. Last year,...

Trying to Understand – Opinions from around the World on Trump, Brexit, and the Rise of Populism
It has been a week since Donald Trump became president elect of the United States of America. Since then many have voiced their “shock...

Quo vadis, EU? - Post-Merkel's Week of Diplomacy
German Chancellor Merkel had a busy week last week – in a unique attempt, she travelled across Europe to discuss different pressing...

Brexit and the 5 Stages of Grief - An Opinion Piece
The United Kingdom decided to leave the European Union (EU). Despite all the reassurances from my British friends that it would never...

Britain’s crisis of conscience? Refugee policy still not enough
It may have taken the image of a drowned three-year-old boy washing up on shore, having attempted the perilous journey across the...