The Power of the Candles
The Polish people have been taking the streets for almost two weeks now, voicing and demonstrating their disapproval of the government’s...

Trump goes Poland
Champagne bottles were popped by the right-wing, national conservative Polish government, when the White House announced three weeks ago...

Merkel, Schulz and Poland - What can we expect post-September?
“A guided democracy à la Putin”, “a dangerous Putinisation of European politics”, “developments in Poland have coup character” – these...

Cloudy with Prospects of Sunshine – the Atmosphere of Polish-German Relations
For 25 years, Warsaw and Berlin have shared a ride in the same car, often on rocky and bumpy roads, however mostly agreeing on the route....

Another Wind of Change? Poland’s Governing Party Seems to Be Struggling
Polish people are known to be resilient, passionate about their nation’s achievements, and proud of their will to persevere. Last year,...

Impressions from Poland - Two Young Poles on the Regulation of Abortion INTERVIEW
The 3rd of October 2016 will go down in the history books: Poland, infamous for its strict abortion laws, faced the biggest...

Quo vadis, EU? - Post-Merkel's Week of Diplomacy
German Chancellor Merkel had a busy week last week – in a unique attempt, she travelled across Europe to discuss different pressing...

Why Multi-Culturalism is good - An Open Letter to Poland
(Francesco Perilli's Monument to Multiculturalism) After the appalling terror attacks in Nice, it was not long before the...

The Many Faces of “We can do it!“ - Taking a look at the dark version in Poland
Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel is currently risking her popularity among members of her own party (and potential voters) by assuring...