Trying to Understand – Opinions from around the World on Trump, Brexit, and the Rise of Populism
It has been a week since Donald Trump became president elect of the United States of America. Since then many have voiced their “shock...

Brexit and the 5 Stages of Grief - An Opinion Piece
The United Kingdom decided to leave the European Union (EU). Despite all the reassurances from my British friends that it would never...

#MakeAmericaGreatAgain -By not Voting for Trump
At the age of 18, I carried out my duties as a responsible citizen and proudly cast my first vote in the 2008 presidential elections for...

Foreign Policy Takes a Back Seat, as New Voters Focus on Change at Home
This year’s US Presidential election is an important one. Both sides believe that a lot is at stake, and both sides are being confronted...

Super Tuesday: The Millennials’ Playground
Our modern day “Super Tuesday” first emerged in 1988 and through several generations of tradition and candidates has taken on its own...

20 Years after Dayton – How the Peace Accords thwarted the Genesis of a Common Bosnian Identity
December 14, 2015 symbolises a remarkable anniversary: Twenty years ago, the signatures of Slobodan Milošević, Franjo Tuđjman and Alija...

70 years later - It’s time to finally ban nuclear weapons! – An Opinion Piece
70 years ago today an atomic bomb was dropped on the city of Hiroshima. Three days later, Nagasaki met the same fate. The horror stories...

On the Occasion of World Refugee Day - An Opinion Piece
Over the last decades, Europeans have been confronted more and more with the issue of asylum seekers coming to Europe. Even in Austria,...